Hello readers ! After one month rest , now lola comeback update my blog :D
At the end , my schedule at school in done !
yeeeaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh ,


lola feel happy like crazy !

lola school end earlier than other school
This thing make me love more love towards my school ceeewahhh !

Haengbok !

Now lola live with a big smile ^__________^

I am cool right ? hehehe :D
This does not mean lola do not like book okayyy
For me , lola needs some rest for my mind
lola think this is a common things for human being !
But , maybe lola need long break from the usual ekekeke ^^
Moreover , next year lola need give my full full attention to the lesson
So , lola don't think this break is too long for me ;)

Then , for this year lola want to say ,


That's all , Thank You :)

Miss A - Bad Girl , Good Girl MV

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